CANAMID Central America-North America Migration Dialogue

Ursula Roldán

Researcher and coordinator at the Institute for Migration Research and Policy Management (INGEP) at the Rafael Landívar University in Guatemala
Area coordinators

Ursula Roldán Andrade is currently a researcher and coordinator at the Institute for Migration Research and Policy Management (INGEP) at the Rafael Landívar University in Guatemala. She has a PhD in geography from the University of Paris I in France having studied at the Sorbonne, and two masters’ degrees, one in social management for sustainable development from the Chipi xab’y Institute at the Autónoma University of Madrid, Spain and another in the geography of developing and emerging countries from the Universities of Paris I, IV and VII, France. She has a degree in social work from the Centro Universitario de Occidente at the University of San Carlos in Guatemala, in addition to 20 years of experience in developing projects, programs, analysis and policy proposals related to agricultural and rural development, having dedicated the past two years to migration issues.

She has led multidisciplinary teams and implemented organizational development processes, with extensive experience in advocacy and political alliances, as well as developed various writing assignments for discussion and the creation of public opinion on issues related to her specialty.Amongst others, her publications include:Estar aquí y estar allá: población deportada, retornada y familiares de migrantes en Huehuetenango desde la perspectiva de sujetos/actores migrantes [To be Here and Be There: the deported and returned population and families of migrants in Huehuetenango from the perspective of migrants and related actors, 2015 (with editor). Book: Voces indígenas de Huehuetenango en el proceso electoral 2011 [Indigenous Voices of Huehuetenango in the 2011 electoral process]; Center for Research and Documentation for the Guatemalan Western Border (CEDFOG), Huehuetenango, Guatemala. N.8, Year 4, 2011. Book: Paz y Tierra. Modelos de Desarrollo Agrario en Guatemala [Peace and Earth: Models of Agricultural Development in Guatemala], David Rivas and Ursula Roldán, Autonoma University of Madrid, Los Libros de la Catarata, 2001.

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